5 Things Hiring Managers Won't Tell You About Interviewing

Posted by in Career Advice

Today's job market is definitely one that favors employers. No matter what they are looking for, the odds are good that they will be able to find the exact combination of skills and experience that they want. In order to stand out, it's important to know what the employer is looking for.


What do employers want to see during an interview? To find out, I did a little research and found a great article from Inc.com that gave some great information. After reading what several hiring managers had to say, here are 5 things that they wish they could tell you about the interview:


They want you to be likable. During the interview, employers are watching and listening in order to determine what sort of employee you would be. They want to hire people they like and who they think would be able to work well with their team. They're looking for you to smile, make eye contact and be enthusiastic about the job. An unhappy or constantly negative employee can do a lot of damage to a company and employers are hesitant to hire people whom they think wouldn't be a good fit, even if they are the most qualified.


They want you to be genuinely interested in the job. Before an interview, you should do some research to find out more about the company and the job. During the interview, you should be asking questions about the job responsibilities and determining if the job is something you are interested in doing. Employers want to know that you are genuinely interested in working for them, not just in working in general.


They want you to tell them why they should hire you. These days, there are hundreds of applicants to a single job listing. It can be overwhelming for a hiring manager to sift through every resume and decide who to hire. This means that you have to market yourself and employers expect you to tell them why they should hire you. Marketing yourself isn't difficult. In fact, you probably already know why you're a good fit for the job. (If you don't, you should ask yourself why you're even applying.) Just make sure that you share the information with the interviewer.


They want you to follow up. Many people are hesitant to give a follow up phone call or email after an interview. They are worried that it would seem pushy or annoying, however, interviewers expect you to follow up after an interview. It's a common practice and one that allows them to see which of the applicants are genuinely interested in the job. Unless the interviewer tells you specifically not to call, you should always, always follow up after an interview.


They want you to ask questions. At some point in every interview, the employer asks if you have any questions for them. A lot of people are hesitant to ask many or feel that it's better to decline. However, an employer will expect you to ask questions. Be sure that you ask the type of questions that show that you've done some research about the company and ones that let the interviewer know that you've been listening to their description of the job. Not asking questions only shows that you aren't very interested in the job.


Knowing what employers are looking for is the first step in marketing yourself. Hopefully these tips will help you stand out during your next interview.



What other things do you think employers are looking for? Please share your thoughts in the comments.


Image source: Morguefile


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  • Natosha Lawrence
    Natosha Lawrence
    I thank u for the info I am one that be hesitate to ask questions
  • Shirley S
    Shirley S
  • Allison H
    Allison H
    What are employers looking for?  This the million dollar question.  I am beginning to think that many employers are looking for a unicorn.  Because this market is employer driven, and highly competitve, job seekers are operating under a disadvantage.  Employers need to be clear on why type of qualities they are looking for, what kind of organizational culture fit will work, and match the right person for the right job.  Hard skill sets are easy to spot and even easier to measure.  What employers' want is difficult to see and even harder to measure.....integrity, respect, humility, understanding, adaptability, positive thinking....
  • Leiligheter i T
    Leiligheter i T
    Greetings! Very helpful advice in this particular article!It is the little changes that make the most important changes.Thanks for sharing!
  • Patrick
    Absolutly very good advice.
  • Marcella N
    Marcella N
    How many times should you follow-up? I've followed up with phone calls and don't receive a response? Is it okay to the recruiter again?
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